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How is the order of the results determined?

When you register your nature house on our platform, it will appear among the search results on our website. But how exactly does that work? 

We try to make the best match between the guest and a nature house, so that the guest finds the nature house he or she is looking for as quickly as possible. For this, a number of factors are important, which together form an algorithm and that algorithm determines the order of the nature houses. 

The exact factors are confidential, but they include the following:

As a landlord, how can you best anticipate on this? These points are important for this:

Location the guest searches for: Guests can search for a place under 'destination'. Houses within an x number of kilometers radius are shown on the website. It may be that a house that is a bit further away from the place is ranked higher. This then has to do with the other factors. 

Reviews: advertisements with good reviews may appear higher in the search results. This takes into account the average rating about the house (general rating) and the average rating about nature. 

Cancellations by the landlord: landlords who barely refuse bookings can appear higher in the search results. This helps us avoid disappointed guests. It is therefore important that, as a landlord, you always have your availability and prices up to date. 

Number of previous bookings of the nature house: here we look at the number of bookings made in the past 2 years for your house. The more bookings you receive, the higher your chances of ranking higher in the search results.