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Some tips to get you started!

The tips below will help you to write your Nature House advertisement. They comprise tips on what to include and what to take care of. We hope that this makes the process of writing a house ad easier for you and will help you to make the advertisement more appealing to our mutual guests. 

Tips and tops description 

In this section, we tell you based on our experience what guests like to read about and what style is appreciated. 

To make Google happy, it would be good to use several times relevant word combinations (keywords) in the text:

Note: Keep in mind that if you copy text from your website or another website, it will be of bad influence for both yours and our websites. Google sees it as duplicates and therefore both websites would be less likely to be shown in Google. 

For high-quality translations of your ad

Of course, you can add your own translations for other languages, which is highly appreciated. However, if you do not add translation, we automatically translate your description with the translation tools Google or Deepl.

 To assure high-quality automatic translations, you can apply the following points.