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Why have the extra costs changed?

We are busy improving our platform every day, both for guests and landlords. Every day we receive feedback from landlords who have great ideas on how we can make managing listings even better and easier. Similarly, we have received feedback on introducing additional fees, working out this feedback has resulted in these changes. In the new setup, restrictions have been made in the combinations that can be made. For example, you can no longer set up that Bike Hire can be paid per litre, something that was possible before. As a result, there may be combinations in your extra cost that are no longer supported. These combinations should be adjusted or removed. To set up the new supported combinations, we looked at logical choices as well as those made by most landlords.

So on the one hand, we want to make entering/managing the extra costs easier for hosts and on the other hand, we want to make it clearer for guests which extra costs are applied, which are inclusive and which are not. For example, we want guests to pay as many fees as possible at the time of booking, so that there are no surprises afterwards and that hosts do receive all fees to which they are entitled.

You can read about what this means for you here.